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Pictures from The Adventures of Will

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Jun '11

There and Back Again

Here are a few pictures from our first week in Lebanon.  There is of course a story, or several stories, to go with them but that will have to wait a while.  It involves a trip to the airport, a broken engine, a wait, a return back home, a wait, a wait, a wait.  Another trip to the airport.  An engine that works.  A flight.  A flight.  A flight.  Jetlag.  Jetlag.  Jetlag.  In between all that some naps, some poop, some more jetlag, lunch with family, a trip to visit the old house, a meeting of cows and donkeys, more lunch with family, more naps, more poop…and so it goes till the next post.


4 comments to “There and Back Again”

  1. YaYa Says:

    We’ve been waiting for a post and am so happy to see Will’s adventures up and going again! Sounds like fun is being had by all…you’re definitely not missing the TX heat! Kiss young master for us!
    YaYa and Bop

  2. Grandpa & Nana Gibson Says:

    Glad to hear you all made it safely and looking great after such a long trip. Great pictures! Can’t wait to see more. Grandpa is riding on the Ship Channel all night tonight, but at least it’s cooler when the sun goes down…103 in Seabrook today!
    Nana Glo

  3. Nancy Says:


    Glad you made it safely. Opa had a great “surprise” 92nd party on Saturday. I gave him your message. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy . . . great pictures. Glad to see all of you when you get back. Love, Nancy

  4. Peggy Says:

    So hope y’all have a great time! When will you be back in Austin? We will be there June 17-21 for Rob’s Dam That Cancer Event, a paddleboard event from dam to dam on Lake Austin. Would so love to see y’all!

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